Sunday 19 February 2012

February 17, 2012

Today is one of those days, when this project is difficult.  I'm working a day shift, I go to work in the dark.  I come home in the dark.  We have not been busy at all.  I'm bored.  I'm tired of watching TV.  I'm trying to work on a project for some of Wes' athletes and it's really frustrating me.  So I take a moment and walk outside with my camera and look around.  What graces can I find outside the Thedford Ambulance Station.  It doesn't take long.  There is an old warehouse beside our base.  There is a creepy man that sometimes lives in there.  We are convinced that there's a grow-op in there because cube vans will sometimes come in the middle of the night, and load stuff up and leave before dawn breaks.  I haven't seen anyone there in awhile.  I'm happy about that.  So along the side of the building are some milkweeds.  The suns out and it's a nice day.  Too nice to be stuck at work.  And this is my picture for today.  It reminds me of the farm where I grew up, building forts in the bushes and hanging out down by the pond.  It's comforting to me.

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