Friday 16 March 2012

March 11, 2012

Mike has been working nights, so in order to try to keep the house quiet, (and because of the overlap of our shifts) I packed the girls up and we headed first to church with my mom and then to her house for the day, and for the girls overnight.  It was a beautiful spring day and we tried to spend lots of time outside soaking up the sunshine and the warm temperatures!  Boots on with their sunday dresses we headed down the lane in search of mud puddles.

So what do you think?  Looks like it's going to be a good crop of wheat this year.

I love being on the farm, it gives me peace.  And I love walking around looking at everything my Dad built and things from my childhood.  The last few months before christmas, it was nice spending so much time here and it was almost as though I re-connected with the place I called home for so many years.  Just being here has provided me with comfort when it seemed everything around me was falling apart. 

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