Thursday 19 April 2012

April 18, 2012

Technology.  It can be so great, but also so frustrating at times.  Today was one of those frustrating times.  All of our Ambulance Call Reports are now done on a computer and we are able to upload the data from our defibrillators right onto the computer.  Today I had done a call which needed the information from the defib uploaded to my form.  If only it was that easy.  I finished half of the form on the way back from the hospital and then when I went to complete the rest of it, it was gone.  No where to be found.  Grrrr.  I just wanted this to be easy and for it to be done.  Now on the phone with the help desk talking to someone who barely spoke English, the lost form was located.  Whew.  Now it's 4pm my form is finished and I can finally eat my lunch.

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