Saturday 5 May 2012

May 1, 2012

It rained most of the night and everything was dripping this morning.  Our tulips always seem to be late blooming and they are just starting to come out.  I'm pretty sure they had more water droplets on them, but Ava was helping me take pictures and walking all around them prior to this photo.  These bulbs were given to me at my cousin Kerri & Peter's wedding almost 15 years ago, I think.  I was living at Aunt Anne and Uncle Ralph's at that time and gave the bulbs to them to plant in their garden.  They multiplied like crazy and when I got a house of my own, Aunt Anne dug some of them up and gave them to me for my garden.

1 comment:

  1. I've always been amazed at how well those tulips multiplied. So pretty with their jaggedy edges.
