Wednesday 13 June 2012

June 3, 2012

Mike and I ran in the 10k Bridge Race today.  It's a neat race as we are bused over to the American side and then run across the Bluewater Bridge to Canatara Park.  We were both really happy with our times.  There were some discrepancies with the timing this year, but my GPS watch said I finished it in 51:13!  Mike beat me by 20 seconds.  I tried hard to catch him, but started to fall apart the last 2 km when my left foot fell asleep and my shoelace came undone.  I had Mike in my sights and didn't want to stop to tie it up and lets face it, I just didn't have enough in the tank.

The tonight, as I was walking past the front door, I noticed this humongous moon rising above the treetops.  Very cool.

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