Wednesday 25 July 2012

June 25, 2012

After my night shift we hit the road this morning ready for our 18 hour drive to New Brunswick to visit Nanny and Grampy.  The drive was going great until just past Kingston when traffic came to a halt.  We were finally able to make it to an exit and thanks to a fancy function on our GPS that we found while sitting in traffic, it lead us through some backroads and past the slow down.  Thankfully we were back to full speed and I am thankfull that our girls travel so well!  They were both so excited to visit Nanny and Grampy.  Shortly after we past Montreal and way past Claire's usual bedtime, Claire announced that she needed to keep her eyes open for the rest of the drive so that she could see Nanny and Grampy's blue house when we pulled up.  Fortunately she did close those eyes as we pulled into their driveway at 4:30am.

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