Wednesday 25 July 2012

June 30, 2012

Today is my Mum's birthday and unfortunately we were not able to celebrate with her.  She's in good hands though, spending the day in Calgary with Wes and the "western Moerman's"  Happy Birthday Mum!!

This morning we took the girls on their first real hike up a mountain.  It's a tradtion to climb the Sugarloaf Mountain located on the edge of town.  It's about a 1000 feet high and a grueling climb.  The girls did great with Claire climbing about 3/4 of it herself and Ava did a little over a 1/4 with the rest spent on our shoulders.  We were rewarded at the top with a beautiful view of the town of Campbellton and the Restigouch River.  Here is Claire and Ava searching through the houses trying to find Nanny and Grampy's blue house! 

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