Saturday 4 August 2012

July 21, 2012

After my night shift this morning, I had my mountain bike packed up already to go and left straight from work to meet Jay and Dave for a morning ride around Boler.  It was the perfect temperature, not too hot yet and it was nice to ride with some old friends again.  After my ride I stopped at Mountain Equipment Co-op. Earlier this week we had purchased a tandem kayak, however, they had told us the only orange one was located in Burlington.  We had plans next week to go pick it up.  As I was browsing through the store, I noticed this kayak, the same one we had on hold in Burlington, only blue.  I was perfectly happy with a blue boat, if it meant that I didn't have to drive to Burlington to get it.  So the people from the store helped me load it up on the truck and I brought it home.  It's almost a cross between a canoe and kayak, but it will fit our whole family in it and I am super excited to try it out!!

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