Saturday 1 September 2012

August 3, 2012

I was puttering around the garage last night after work, and after the girls had gone to bed, when I looked up at the sky and saw this beautiful sunset, with the rays streaming from the clouds.  It has been my goal to try and get one of these pictures with big rays coming from the clouds.  It's hard to do.  The sun moves fast and you have to be at the right place at the right time.  So, I ran inside, grabbed my camera, hopped on my bike and pedalled down to the beach at the end of our road.  I was too late.  The rays were gone, but I still managed to catch the sun as it was setting. 

Now the funny part was, that while I was gone, Mike had called the house and my Mum answered, she had no idea where I went, as I left so fast, but Mike was calling to tell me how pretty the sunset was, and that I should go take a picture.  Already done.

1 comment:

  1. Aw. I love it. Now that's called teamwork! The picture still turned out beautifully anyway!
