Wednesday 3 October 2012

September 16, 2012

I have the day to myself today.  Well sort of, I worked last night and work again tonight, so the girls are having a sleepover at Oma's and Mike is in Caledonia.  After getting some much needed sleep, I headed outside with my macro lens to find some flowers.  Something I haven't done much of lately...I've missed most of the blooms on our bushes and plants this summer, but found these hydrangea's in the backyard.  They used to be a vibrant pink colour and are now fading to the pink/brown of fall.  Makes me think of how fast summer has gone by and also to this time, last year.  These were the last few "good" days that my dad had and the last days that Claire and Ava got to run around outside with him on the farm as he puttered away, still trying to fix things.  I think his last project was to fix the hitch on the trailer so that it would have something to support itself on, when it wasn't attached to a vehicle.  That project was never finished....

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