Thursday 29 November 2012

November 15, 2012

Mike and i went out for a run together today and just as we were about to leave, we heard what sounded like a little kitten meowing.  We looked around quickly, but couldn't see anything, so we continued on our run.  When we returned, we heard the same noise and Mike did some further investigating.  It turns out the meowing was coming from my mom's car!  And when were opened up the hood to the engine compartment, this little guy was curled up inside sitting on the panel that covers the bottom of the car!  Turns out he is one of the kittens that my mum has been feeding at the farm and he hitched a ride from Blenheim to Brights Grove!  Mike was finally able to get him out and other than being cold, from spending the night in the car and hungry, he seemed to be fine!  We guess he is only about eight weeks old and a cute little guy!  Within an hour we had already found a new home for him.  My friend Abby's parents have a horse farm and he would fit right in with the other barn cats!

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