Friday 24 February 2012

February 24, 2012

There was alot of talk last night about this big storm that we would be getting over the night and into today.  And that's exactly what it was, alot of talk.  We woke up to 3-5cm of new snow on the ground, a far cry from the 10-15cm they were forcasting.  It was the wet, heavy snow too, perfect for making a snowman!  We used up alot of the snow in the backyard to make this guy, in honour of Daddy who was at work. 

The carrot nose didn't last long, once Maverick figured out that it was food, he was stealing them. Claire & Ava thought they were delicious too.

And I managed to get a few shots of the snow melting in the backyard.

February 23, 2012

I found winter this morning, it arrived in Thedford, unexpectedly, which made my drive in a little tricky.  This was the view this morning out the door of our base.  Very pretty, even for Thedford.

February 22, 2012

Another day shift, another long boring day.  I'll be happy when summer comes and we are a little busier. 

It's another dull dreary day, and hard to get motivated on days like today.  Days like today make me wonder why I take my stuff out of my locker and put it in the truck...

Tuesday 21 February 2012

February 21, 2012

After Claire got up from her afternoon nap, we loaded her skis in the car and headed to Boler.  It was a bit drizzly tonight and not the best night to ski.  However, the benefit is that we basically had the hill to ourselves.  Claire was excited as we got ready in the patrol hut and I snapped this picture just before we went out.  She did great tonight and even managed to ski all by herself.  (with me inches away)  We have to work on her "pizza" (aka as the snowplow) but she's off to a great start!

February 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to my little brother Wes!!!

Mike, Claire and Ava are flying home from New Brunswick today and thankfully the trip home went much smoother than the trip there.  I got to the airport nice and early, made sure their flight was on time and even got a nice birthday chat in with Wes. 

I took this picture of the doors to the "Arrivals" area and then put my camera away, ready to welcome my family home with open arms.  I loved seeing the look of excitement on Claire's face as she noticed me through the glass as they walked through the terminal.  It sure is nice to have them home again!

Sunday 19 February 2012

February 19, 2012

I LOVE my slippers that Christine got me for christmas!  Is it possible to be addicted to wearing your slippers because I just can't seem to walk around the house without them on.  So nice and warm and cosy!  I ski patrolled today and being cold from being outside for so long, I couldn't wait to come home and put these on.  Very classy with my ski socks and purple long johns...

February 18, 2012

Today is my cousin Joel & Lynn's wedding day.  I'm going solo as Mike is still in New Brunswick with Claire and Ava and so I am thankful to be driving together with my cousins Chris and Barb.  It was a beautiful wedding and I am excited to have Lynn a part of our family now and to get to know her better.  What a great couple!

After supper it was time for some country dancing!  What a great idea for the reception and it sure got everyone involved!

I'm pretty sure I heard the words, "no, I will not be line dancing" on the drive up to the wedding coming from the mouth of Chris.  Looks like you changed your mind and having a great time.  :)

I love seeing my mom laugh!

February 17, 2012

Today is one of those days, when this project is difficult.  I'm working a day shift, I go to work in the dark.  I come home in the dark.  We have not been busy at all.  I'm bored.  I'm tired of watching TV.  I'm trying to work on a project for some of Wes' athletes and it's really frustrating me.  So I take a moment and walk outside with my camera and look around.  What graces can I find outside the Thedford Ambulance Station.  It doesn't take long.  There is an old warehouse beside our base.  There is a creepy man that sometimes lives in there.  We are convinced that there's a grow-op in there because cube vans will sometimes come in the middle of the night, and load stuff up and leave before dawn breaks.  I haven't seen anyone there in awhile.  I'm happy about that.  So along the side of the building are some milkweeds.  The suns out and it's a nice day.  Too nice to be stuck at work.  And this is my picture for today.  It reminds me of the farm where I grew up, building forts in the bushes and hanging out down by the pond.  It's comforting to me.

February 16, 2012

It's been a dull foggy day and with the girls, Maverick and Mike gone, it's hard to find something to take a picture of.  Mike has said to me in the past, and I have agreed that this tree is kind of neat all alone in the middle of the field and that it would make a nice picture on a foggy day.  I think it would look even better with thicker fog, but this is what we got today.  I played around in Photoshop too adding some texture to the photo, to give an artistic touch.

Thursday 16 February 2012

February 15, 2012

That time has come to register Claire for JK.  I find it hard to believe that she will be going to school in the fall, it seems like just yesterday that I was holding a pink bundle wondering how on earth I was going to care for this little person.

It was a hard decision, trying to figure out the best school for her to go to.  We were torn between french immersion, the school being farther away, a longer bus ride and the Brights Grove Public School, being close to home.  In the end the public school here in Brights Grove won.  It will be nice for her as some of her friends from preschool will also be going to the same school and we know the french teacher too.

February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

I spent a "romantic" day at work today and then to the gym.   Being valentine's day and all, I though it was the perfect opportunity to buy myself some chocolates.  Mike and the girls are in New Brunswick visiting family so I was on my own today.  These Hershey chocolates were delicious.

February 13, 2012

It's Monday night and after work I headed out to the ski club.  There are first aid competitions coming up and many of the patrollers were practising, so I spent most of the night skiing by myself.  I didn't mind, it gave me some time to think and reflect.  I think of my Dad alot on these Monday nights of skiing because he would sometimes come out with me.  Dad would be in all his glory as we skiied down the short runs of Boler Mountain.  He loved the sport and just being outside in the fresh air seemed to rejuvinate him.  In October, just after we received the news that treatments had stopped working for him and he was placed on Dexamethazone, he dug out a flyer that he had been sent from Boler announcing the upcoming opening of their new hill.  When he showed me the flyer, we talked about how nice it would be to have the new hill open and how much better it would be.  This new drug is a "feel good" kind of drug and he was flying high that weekend making all kinds of plans and trips and wanting to try to ski again.  I remember him looking at me and saying "you don't think that's too much do you?"  Of course I didn't want to ruin his spirit and I replied "No, I don't think so, you may not be able to do what you once could, but we can get you out there again."

So tonight as I ski on this new hill, with it's steeper runs and added vertical, I think of my Dad and how much he would have loved this new hill and how much fun we would have had exploring the new terrain together.

This photo was taken from the top of "Wayne's Run"  named after the pioneer of Boler's Ski School who also had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and had lost the battle last year.  I stand at the top looking out onto the runs that Dad and I would ski together and the lights of the city and it's a beautiful picture.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

February 12, 2012

With the snow and the colder temp we had yesterday and today came some pretty icicles down by the lake. This one I thought looked like a hand reaching down dripping water as the warm sun from the sunset melted the ice.

February 11, 2012

Mike is taking the girls to New Brunswick to visit Nanny and Grampy while I stay home and go to work.  I am looking forward to a week to myself and the quiet in the house. 

The girls were excited to go on a plane as I said goodbye just before then went through the airport security.  Little did they know of the adventure that lay before them.  After landing at Toronto Pearson airport, they would be told that their connecting flight to Moncton had been cancelled due to bad weather.  Eight hours later they would finally board a flight with a destination of Fredericton and arriving after midnight.  Not an ideal situation when travelling with two little ones by yourself.  But they did make it safe and sound after 28 hours of travel.

February 10, 2012

Ava found Claire's swimming goggles and insisted that she wear them.  Once she had them on she thought she was the funniest ever!  What a character.

February 9, 2012

Thankful for an amazing partner to work with!

February 8, 2012

The full moon in February is called the Full Snow Moon because this is typically the month with the most snowfall. ?? Well maybe there's still hope for us.

February 7. 2012

I asked Claire if I could take her picture and this was the face I got.

So then she asked if she could see the picture on the camera and wondered why she looked so sad and angry.  I had to explain to her that, that was how she looked when I tooked the picture.  She then asked me to take another one.  Much better.

Febuary 6, 2012

An early morning sunrise on my way home from work. Wished I had a wider angle lens on me to get all three trees in the picture.  I couldn't back up any further, there was a fence in the way.

 It's going to be a beautiful day!

February 5, 2012

Out for a walk on the trail near our house with Maverick and passing the 1km sign reminded me that I should start running more...

February 4, 2012

Claire was invited to her first "friend" birthday party.  This is Hannah her friend from preschool who was turning 4!  Claire has been looking forward to this party for days and had a great time there.  It was held at the YMCA and the kids had lots of fun playing in the bouncy castle and on the bouncy slide.

Happy Birthday Hannah!

February 3, 2012

Back to work.  I have been off work since October, taking some extra time to be with my Dad and then another month to get my head back together.  It will be nice to have things somewhat back to normal.

February 2, 2012

Out for a walk with Maverick on a dull gloomy day, however we did manage to find a little colour in the red sumacs along the trail.

February 1, 2012

It's so mild out and all the snow that we did have, is now melted.  A great time to get the bikes out!

January 31, 2012

What a fantastic day of spring skiing, in January!! 

January 30, 2012

My Mum offered to watch the girls for a couple of days, so packed up our skis and went to Collingwood for a night.  After an afternoon of skiing we went into the village for dinner.  It was so pretty with all the lights and it felt good to get away.

January 29, 2012

Those big white fluffy flakes have been gently falling all morning and finally we are getting our first decent snowfall.  Mike had been called in to work and when he go home, we tried to make a snowman.  The felt sticky enough, but it just didn't want to roll into a ball for some reason.  So we made a big pile and tried to mould it into somewhat of a snowman...

January 28, 2012

The top of Boler's new hill. Will there ever be enough snow for it to open?

I love how the sun is setting and shining on the hut at the top almost making it glow.

January 27, 2012

Ava's stink face, which we've seen alot of today....

January 26, 2012

We had a little bit of fresh snow last night and Ava, Maverick and I went out for a little walk this morning. I love being outside in nature, it always makes me feel better.

January 25, 2012

We brought my mom back to Blenheim today for an appointment and while we waited for her to finish I brought the girls to my Dad's grave. It was the first time I've been back since we put those flowers there shortly after his funeral. I cried as I stood there remembering the day we left him there, but also felt a closeness to him. 

Claire had a hard time understanding that Opa's body was in the ground and that the Opa that she knew is in heaven.  After explaining it a few times, I think she does understand, that Opa's "blue box" is in the ground.

I can't believe it's been a month without him. 

January 24, 2012

Claire relaxing, playing Dora on the DS.

January 23, 2012

My mom's been away for 11 days visiting Aunt Nellie and Uncle Gerry in Ottawa and Chris and Heather in Deep River. We've missed her while she's been gone and her train arrived in Sarnia tonight.

January 22, 2012

Feeling very uninspired and not very creative today...Here are some peanut butter cookies that Mike made before he left for a week of training in Orilla. These 5 were the only ones that made it into a container. They were tasty...

January 21, 2012

Claire, always eager to shovel and Ava always right behind her.

January 20, 2012

Ok, it's not much snow, but it's enough to make snow angels!!

January 19, 2012

Finally it feels a little like winter today and we got a little snow storm.

January 18, 2012

Claire's been busy painting today, making lots of pictures. And she tells me they are all for Nanny. 

January 17, 2012

It's been a gray, foggy, rainy day, a perfect Jan day if you lived in somewhere like Vancouver.... It seems as though someone forgot to tell the Canada Geese that it's supposed to be winter here.

January 16, 2012

I am in love with Ava's long dark "Moerman" eyelashes!

January 15, 2012

A beautiful cold sunny morning, perfect for skiing!  As I was skiing over to Chair #1 I happened to notice this snow gun and a snowboarder standing underneath it over by the tube park.  Thinking it was a great photo opp, but not having my camera on me at the time, I went back to get it and had Jay pose in the same place.

January 14, 2012

Our cousins Joel and Lynn are getting married in February and today we went to a bridal shower for them. This is cousin Sarah and Janelle watching Lynn open her gifts.