Friday 14 September 2012

August 23, 2012

Good Morning!!  A couple of weeks ago, I was up in the attic at the farm and found this old Coleman stove that used to be my Dad's.  We didn't go camping much when I was growing up, so I had no idea how old it was or if it even still worked.  Mike brought it out onto the patio, and fired it up.  To our surprise, it started, with the close to 30 year old fuel in it as well.  It worked fine, which didn't really surprise me, because I knew that my Dad was always good at taking care of things.  Then the question remained, just how old was it?  My Mum didn't know and couldn't remember my Dad buying it, so Mike looked up the serial number.  Turns out this model was from 1968!  So here is Mike on our first big camping trip with the girls, cooking pancakes on my Dad's old stove.

Seriously, does it get any better, when you get to wake up to this?

This morning we packed a lunch in the kayak and paddled out around George Lake, found a nice place to beach the boat and stopped for lunch and a little fishing.  Mike even caught a little one.

A little bedtime story by the campfire.

When we opened up our fold up chairs, these sunglasses fell out.  I had thought they were long gone, but Claire picked them right up and declared that they were her "reading glasses"!

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