Friday 14 September 2012

August 24, 2012

Yurt #4 - Home Sweet Home!

Today we hiked the Granite Ridge trail.  It took close to 2 hours and I was amazed by how well the girls did!  Over rocks, up steep hills, through the trees, we had such a great time!

At times, Ava would get tired and rested on top of Daddy's shoulders.

Then we came across this old tree root and had to stop for a photo!  Very cool! 

And then parked alongside the trail, was this rusty old car.  There were lots of thoughts as to why it was there.  Mike thought maybe it had been involved in a crime and had been ditched there.  I thought that perhaps it had just broken down and then abandoned.


This was our pathway down to the beach.

Then after dinner, we went out for another little paddle and saw this bird sitting on a rock.

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