Monday 24 September 2012

August 25, 2012

Every morning Claire would come with me to the washrooms and then we would walk down to the beach to check out the lake.  I've been waiting for a clear morning and for the rising sun, to illuminate the rocks jutting out on George Lake.  Finally got it this morning.  I was secretly hoping to catch mist and fog coming off the water in the early morning, but it never happened, or perhapes we needed to get up earlier...

Today we decided to hike the Chikinishing Trail.  It was a 3km trail over rocky terrain.  The girls did great once again and here we are at the top of one of the lookouts, with Ava doing a little dance.

Anticipating the this hike would take us awhile, I packed a lunch and we found this nice cool spot in the shade.

Seeing all the pictures that Mike and I were taking, Claire asked if she could take one too.  So I took a deep breath and handed her my camera making sure the strap was around her neck and showed her how to take a picture.  This one was hers, not too bad!!

Then once we got back it was time to cool off at the beach!

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