Tuesday 25 September 2012

September 4, 2012

Claire's first day of JK!!  She has been so excited for this day and this morning we loaded up her new backpack, packed her lunchbox and we were ready to go.  While we were eating breakfast, the dark clouds rolled in and thunder rumbled in the distance.  Claire has never been a big fan of thunderstorms and I was thankful that the rain and thunder didn't ruin her excitement for the day.  So in the middle of a downpour, Claire, Ava and I climbed into the car and drove to the Brights Grove Public School!  I was choking back tears as I was driving to the school, still finding it hard to believe that my firstborn was starting JK!  I managed to snap this photo in the parking lot before we made a beeline for some shelter.  Walking into the school, I was still trying to compose myself, looking at the other parents and telling myself "see no one else is crying, keep it together..."  We found Claire's classroom, her hook with her name under it to hang her coat and then met her teacher, Mrs. Arthur.  We had talked about the school bus before and Claire announced to her teacher that she was going to take the bus home tonight.  She knew exactly which one it was, the "firetruck bus" and Mrs. Arthur assured me that Claire would have a bus buddy who would ensure she got on the right bus.  Big deep breath.  Ok.  So after a few big hugs from Claire, Ava and I returned home.  I have to admit it was strange to have just Ava, especially at lunch time when Claire's seat was empty.  Ava kept asking all day "where's Claire?" 

I was anxiously awaiting 3:36 when the bus would drop Claire off at the corner.  Mike was able to make it home in time to meet the bus and I made sure we were at the stop early.  I had my camera in hand, ready to capture her pink Nike running shoes as they stepped off the school bus for the first time and my heart beat a little faster as the bus pulled up.  There I was ready, waiting patiently as all the other kids got off the bus, waiting for Claire, I can't wait to hear how her day was.  Then the bus driver turned the lights off, shut the door and started to drive away.  No Claire.  I started to panic.  Tears welled in my eyes.  Where was she?  Did she get on the wrong bus?  I can't believe I let strangers get her home. Did she decide at the last minute that she didn't want to ride the bus and was upset left at school?  Is this going to scar her for life?  Then I looked up and saw her smiling face in the window.  Whew!  Now to flag the bus driver down and let Claire know it was ok to get off the bus when she saw Mummy or Daddy waiting for her.  Turns out she had a great day and even got to go outside for Recess!! 

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