Tuesday 20 November 2012

October 30, 2012

Sandy arrived in full force last night.  The winds howled and the lights flickered as wind gusts up to 120km/hour shook our house.  Mike is away in Toronto and I must say, it was a little unnerving being home alone with the girls.  Needless to say, none of us slept well. Claire crawled in with me from 4:30 on, as the noise of the winds had her scared.  I welcomed the company.  The hydro was out at the Brights Grove Public School, so the school was closed and Claire was so disappointed that she had to miss a day.  After dropping Ava off at preschool we went for a little drive to survey the damage.  Trees were down, fences were blown over, there was a trampoline in the middle of Lakeshore Road and my neighbours fence landed in their pool.  I braved the wind to get this picture of our beach.  Unbelievable.  I have never felt wind so strong before or seen the waves so big.  I actually had to brace myself with a pole behind me so I wouldn't get blown across the road.  Wow.  I can't imagine how the people in New Jersey and New York felt with the direct hit.  It would have been a scary night for them.

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