Tuesday 20 November 2012

October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!  It's still raining but the winds have died down in time for trick or treating!  It was cold and wet and we only made it to about five houses.  Claire still wasn't too keen on ringing strangers doorbells and asking for candy, but Ava got right into it saying "may I have a trick or treat" at each door.  Both of them still much prefer handing out the candy and it was a race to the door each time the doorbell rang.

Usually Daddy carves the pumpkins, but this year he wasn't home, so we went on the computer and both girls got to pick out a pattern for their pumpkin.  Ava wanted a scary one, so hers is the flaming face and Claire wanted a ghost.  Her's is the ghost peaking around a door.  I underestimated yesterday, just how long this task would take...and without having dinner prepared, it was grilled cheese for dinner.  I think I'll leave this job to Daddy from now on.

And here's a picture of the girls in their costumes taken a few days ago when it was warm and nice out!

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