Wednesday 25 July 2012

July 8, 2012

Mike was called out in the middle of the night for a canine track.  Then he was rerouted to Essex County for a containment call and then to another search on Walpole Island.  It was the day that wouldn't end and 16 hours later, here's where his boots stopped, by the front door, dirty and muddy.

July 7, 2012

After a long day shift, I am thankful for a good friend to hang out, with by the pool, with a Bud Light Lime.  The perfect summer beverage.

July 6, 2012

This is our cat Felix, always keeping one eye open on us....

July 5, 2012

We got some butterfly catchers from the dollar store and Ava was running around the backyard tonight trying to catch one.  Here she is telling me exactly where the butterfly's go.

July 4, 2012

We arrived home shortly after 1am and once again I am exhausted from the drive.  We had 4 stowaways this time, here's one of them.  Mike had him for breakfast.

July 3, 2012

It seems as though we just arrived and now we are on our way home again.  This was taken out of the car window in between Quebec City and Rivere de Loup.  Driving alongside the St. Lawrence seaway is beautiful and it reminded me of the time when Wes was moving to Fredericton and he and Dad did this drive.  I remember talking to Dad while they were driving and he was saying just how beautiful it was at this point and how much he was enjoying the drive.  It's hard to explain, but he would always get a certain tone in his voice when he truely enjoyed something.  He had that tone when he was talking about that drive and I think of it everytime we drive east.

July 2, 2012

Claire has been begging Grampy to take her fishing again, so off we went to the brook again and Claire caught her first baby salmon!  Well actually, Grampy caught it and when Claire wasn't looking put it on her rod and she was able to reel it in.

July 1, 2012

Happy Canada Day!! 

We enjoyed the day with the Salmon Festival parade and then fireworks at night!

June 30, 2012

Today is my Mum's birthday and unfortunately we were not able to celebrate with her.  She's in good hands though, spending the day in Calgary with Wes and the "western Moerman's"  Happy Birthday Mum!!

This morning we took the girls on their first real hike up a mountain.  It's a tradtion to climb the Sugarloaf Mountain located on the edge of town.  It's about a 1000 feet high and a grueling climb.  The girls did great with Claire climbing about 3/4 of it herself and Ava did a little over a 1/4 with the rest spent on our shoulders.  We were rewarded at the top with a beautiful view of the town of Campbellton and the Restigouch River.  Here is Claire and Ava searching through the houses trying to find Nanny and Grampy's blue house! 

June 29, 2012

Finally getting a break with the weather and we drove over to the Quebec side and hiked to this beautiful waterfall!  Mike's Mom loves waterfalls and surprisingly had never been here.

June 28, 2012

After 2 days of rain, we were happy to see the clouds clear a little bit.  We took this opportunity to head to the park around the corner and burn off some energy.  Unfortunately it didn't last long and after about 45 minutes, it started to rain again and we had to go home early.  It sure was fun while it lasted.

June 27, 2012

Grampy had 2 fishing rods waiting for Claire and Ava when we arrived, and they were both so excited to be able to go out to the brook and practice their casting and reeling in. 

June 26, 2012

It's been a long day, I have been exhauseted from the drive and it has been pouring rain all day...  Mike's Dad has been trying so hard to catch us a fresh salmon to eat while we are visiting with no luck.  Tomorrow morning Mike and his Dad are going out on the boat (a 26 foot canoe with a motor on the back) early in the morning to give it another try.  We didn't pack any rain jackets for ourselves so, after being cooped up inside all day, Nanny, Grampy, Claire and Ava walked down in the rain to Don and Jeannie's to get an extra raincoat for the morning fishing excursion. 

June 25, 2012

After my night shift we hit the road this morning ready for our 18 hour drive to New Brunswick to visit Nanny and Grampy.  The drive was going great until just past Kingston when traffic came to a halt.  We were finally able to make it to an exit and thanks to a fancy function on our GPS that we found while sitting in traffic, it lead us through some backroads and past the slow down.  Thankfully we were back to full speed and I am thankfull that our girls travel so well!  They were both so excited to visit Nanny and Grampy.  Shortly after we past Montreal and way past Claire's usual bedtime, Claire announced that she needed to keep her eyes open for the rest of the drive so that she could see Nanny and Grampy's blue house when we pulled up.  Fortunately she did close those eyes as we pulled into their driveway at 4:30am.

June 24, 2012

Our friend's Abby and Taylor's son Brock turned 2 today!!  We had a blast at his pirate themed birthday party!!  Arrrrrrrrrr!

June 23, 2012

Today was the Canada Day parade in Brights Grove.  Claire, all decked out in her Canada Day apparel, was in awe watching the floats go by.

June 22, 2012

We were invited over to Claire's best buddy, Kenean's house for a swim this afternoon.  He loves to fish bugs out of the pool and Claire was fascinated by it.