Tuesday 25 September 2012

September 9, 2012

Today a tree was planted at the C.M. Wilson Conservation Area in memory of my Dad and all of the others who have passed away in Chatham-Kent during the past year.  I have to admit, I have had mixed emotions about this day.  I can't help feeling some anger, this shouldn't be happening.  I shouldn't be seeing my Dad's name on this list of people for whom these trees are planted for.  It's just not right, he was too young, he should still be here with us.  Why? 

Once I am able to stop feeling sorry for myself, I remember that this is all part of the Plan and that my Dad is still touching many people even though he's gone.  This tree is just another way that we can remember him.  I am also very thankful for the people who were here with us today, Aunt Dina, Uncle Gus, Uncle John, Aunt Eileen, Uncle Ralph and Aunt Anne, all of you are very special to me and often are able to give me a little hug or a smile that always seems to fill that big hole that has been left.

This bagpiper started off the ceremony.

I believe there were nine trees planted in all, and each person was able to put a shovel full of dirt in the hole for the tree.  Here's Ava pushing the dirt in...

And Claire throwing some dirt into the hole.

Then after, we went back to the farm, Mike cut the grass and we stayed for dinner.

Ava tucking her baby in for a nap in the barn. 

September 4, 2012

Claire's first day of JK!!  She has been so excited for this day and this morning we loaded up her new backpack, packed her lunchbox and we were ready to go.  While we were eating breakfast, the dark clouds rolled in and thunder rumbled in the distance.  Claire has never been a big fan of thunderstorms and I was thankful that the rain and thunder didn't ruin her excitement for the day.  So in the middle of a downpour, Claire, Ava and I climbed into the car and drove to the Brights Grove Public School!  I was choking back tears as I was driving to the school, still finding it hard to believe that my firstborn was starting JK!  I managed to snap this photo in the parking lot before we made a beeline for some shelter.  Walking into the school, I was still trying to compose myself, looking at the other parents and telling myself "see no one else is crying, keep it together..."  We found Claire's classroom, her hook with her name under it to hang her coat and then met her teacher, Mrs. Arthur.  We had talked about the school bus before and Claire announced to her teacher that she was going to take the bus home tonight.  She knew exactly which one it was, the "firetruck bus" and Mrs. Arthur assured me that Claire would have a bus buddy who would ensure she got on the right bus.  Big deep breath.  Ok.  So after a few big hugs from Claire, Ava and I returned home.  I have to admit it was strange to have just Ava, especially at lunch time when Claire's seat was empty.  Ava kept asking all day "where's Claire?" 

I was anxiously awaiting 3:36 when the bus would drop Claire off at the corner.  Mike was able to make it home in time to meet the bus and I made sure we were at the stop early.  I had my camera in hand, ready to capture her pink Nike running shoes as they stepped off the school bus for the first time and my heart beat a little faster as the bus pulled up.  There I was ready, waiting patiently as all the other kids got off the bus, waiting for Claire, I can't wait to hear how her day was.  Then the bus driver turned the lights off, shut the door and started to drive away.  No Claire.  I started to panic.  Tears welled in my eyes.  Where was she?  Did she get on the wrong bus?  I can't believe I let strangers get her home. Did she decide at the last minute that she didn't want to ride the bus and was upset left at school?  Is this going to scar her for life?  Then I looked up and saw her smiling face in the window.  Whew!  Now to flag the bus driver down and let Claire know it was ok to get off the bus when she saw Mummy or Daddy waiting for her.  Turns out she had a great day and even got to go outside for Recess!! 

September 3, 2012

Today it was the annual Moerman Family Picnic at Rondeau Park.  We were missing the "John Moerman" family as Andrew was getting married to Colleen this weekend in Thunder Bay.  There was still a great turnout and as always the kids had lots of fun playing with each other.  I still find it hard to believe that this scenario didn't end up badly...

September 2, 2012

Heading to bed last night, we came across this setup in the hallway.  I just love how she has taken the time to get a pillow, gather all the pertinent items, (blankets, puppy) and tuck herself in.  Of course we didn't leave her here all night, I don't even think she woke up as we tucked her back in to her bed.  Too cute!

September 1, 2012

Last night we had a "Blue Moon" which means that during this month, there just happen to be two full moons.  When I arrived at work this morning, in the middle of a beautiful sunrise, I caught a glimpse of last night's moon coming down through some trees.

August 31, 2012

One of the perks of having my mom stay at my house to do our childcare while we are working is that I have some free time once the girls go to bed!  Tonight once I got home from work and the girls were sleeping, Maverick and I headed out for a walk and found ourselves at the beach.  I love quiet walks with my dog along the water, to unwind from the day.

August 30, 2012

This is a fellow co-worker, Gord who is retiring after tonights shift after almost 33 years!  I had the pleasure of visiting him at the Corunna base to take some photos of him for a retirement gift.  Driving there, I was watching the sun, the light would be perfect and had plans to get some great shots, as long as a call didn't come in... I was trying to come up with a back up plan in case that happened, but the only thing I came up with, was that I hoped it wouldn't happen...  We were just chatting a bit with the day crew reminiscing when at 1901 the tones sound, Code 4......... Noooooooo..... So here is Gord booking on a call on his last day.

I managed to meet them at the hospital and hurried them along, as I was quickly losing light.  So we did his photo shoot at the Sarnia base, not quite what I had envisioned but I did manage to get a couple of good pictures.   He was pleased with his photo book when it was presented to him at his retirement party.

August 29, 2012

My friend Abby developed some kidney stones and is in a fair amount of pain from them, so today, to give her a break, her son Brock came for a visit!  Claire and Ava loved having another playmate for the day.  He was such a pleasure to have.

August 28, 2012

We got some books from the library before our camping trip and this one in particular was a big hit.  Claire had the whole book memorized and it was Ava's first request every night before bed.

August 27, 2012

Claire has figured out how to blow up balloons!  And she had to show me when I arrived home from work tonight!

August 26, 2012

This morning it was time to pack up and head home.  What a great four days it has been and we've decided that next year will be longer.  Can't wait!!  Goodbye George Lake, we'll miss you!

Tired from all the excitement of the last couple of days, Ava sleeps on the way home.

Monday 24 September 2012

August 25, 2012

Every morning Claire would come with me to the washrooms and then we would walk down to the beach to check out the lake.  I've been waiting for a clear morning and for the rising sun, to illuminate the rocks jutting out on George Lake.  Finally got it this morning.  I was secretly hoping to catch mist and fog coming off the water in the early morning, but it never happened, or perhapes we needed to get up earlier...

Today we decided to hike the Chikinishing Trail.  It was a 3km trail over rocky terrain.  The girls did great once again and here we are at the top of one of the lookouts, with Ava doing a little dance.

Anticipating the this hike would take us awhile, I packed a lunch and we found this nice cool spot in the shade.

Seeing all the pictures that Mike and I were taking, Claire asked if she could take one too.  So I took a deep breath and handed her my camera making sure the strap was around her neck and showed her how to take a picture.  This one was hers, not too bad!!

Then once we got back it was time to cool off at the beach!

Friday 14 September 2012

August 24, 2012

Yurt #4 - Home Sweet Home!

Today we hiked the Granite Ridge trail.  It took close to 2 hours and I was amazed by how well the girls did!  Over rocks, up steep hills, through the trees, we had such a great time!

At times, Ava would get tired and rested on top of Daddy's shoulders.

Then we came across this old tree root and had to stop for a photo!  Very cool! 

And then parked alongside the trail, was this rusty old car.  There were lots of thoughts as to why it was there.  Mike thought maybe it had been involved in a crime and had been ditched there.  I thought that perhaps it had just broken down and then abandoned.


This was our pathway down to the beach.

Then after dinner, we went out for another little paddle and saw this bird sitting on a rock.

August 23, 2012

Good Morning!!  A couple of weeks ago, I was up in the attic at the farm and found this old Coleman stove that used to be my Dad's.  We didn't go camping much when I was growing up, so I had no idea how old it was or if it even still worked.  Mike brought it out onto the patio, and fired it up.  To our surprise, it started, with the close to 30 year old fuel in it as well.  It worked fine, which didn't really surprise me, because I knew that my Dad was always good at taking care of things.  Then the question remained, just how old was it?  My Mum didn't know and couldn't remember my Dad buying it, so Mike looked up the serial number.  Turns out this model was from 1968!  So here is Mike on our first big camping trip with the girls, cooking pancakes on my Dad's old stove.

Seriously, does it get any better, when you get to wake up to this?

This morning we packed a lunch in the kayak and paddled out around George Lake, found a nice place to beach the boat and stopped for lunch and a little fishing.  Mike even caught a little one.

A little bedtime story by the campfire.

When we opened up our fold up chairs, these sunglasses fell out.  I had thought they were long gone, but Claire picked them right up and declared that they were her "reading glasses"!